Sunday, December 5, 2010


In my opinion I think that smartboards are kind of a waste of money. But from what I've read it can actually make teaching and learning easier in many different ways. It makes it easier to do PowerPoint's, and makes class interaction easier from kids to understand. When you use a smartboard you can type things up or write things up and then automatically save them on your computers hard drive and not have to write them over and over again for each class, all you have to do is pull them up. In my high school we had a coupe of smartboards in some class rooms, I liked having them there but they are complicated in some ways. If you don't out the markers back in the right slot then you are still writing in that color and not the one you actually wanted to be writing in, its easy for the eraser to get lost also because it just sits in a little round coaster type thing that hangs off of the actual board. So yes and no for the smartoards. I think if the school has the money for smartboards then buy them and if the school doesn't and can't afford them then don't get them because you are still learning regardless if you have the smartboard or not.

1 comment:

  1. I think if you a school is going to invest in SmartBoards they need to make sure to provide training for teachers so that they can learn how to use them in meaningful ways!
